
Happynest classroom

Tips & tricks for anyone to reference for those stressful parenting moments.

Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Find Time for Mom

Why do we feel racked with guilt at the thought of doing something just for ourselves? Perhaps society has programed us to feel that we need to be 100% present in our children’s lives to be the best possible mothers. Let go of that guilt! It’s not possible or even helpful to do everything, always for our children.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Don’t Fear a Fever

Why is it that your children almost always get fever in the middle of the night? You are startled out of a good night’s sleep, a bit dazed, faced with a miserable child and your pediatrician’s office doesn’t open for six hours. Should you worry?

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Prep for the Soon to be Sibling

Everyone is so excited for expecting parents, except maybe the soon to be sibling! With some advanced planning and post new baby strategies your first born can quickly adapt to life with a newborn.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Springtime Blues

It is possible to get outside and enjoy the spring if you suffer from allergies. Taking a few precautions and knowing when and what medications to take can help get you back outside and enjoying the spring!

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

To Mask or Not To Mask

Now that most mask mandates have been lifted and children have returned to classrooms it is confusing to know if your child should wear a mask or not. Can masks be harmful? Should they mask every day? In the classroom only but not for recess? Are there specific times they should wear a mask? There are no right or wrong answers to these questions and each individual needs to make a decision that makes the most sense for them. Here are some facts to help you decide what is best for your family.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Mother-Daughter Puberty Talk

The ever-important puberty talk! When to have it? What to say? Is it even necessary? Absolutely!! Your daughter needs your reassurance and needs to know she can ask you all the embarrassing questions swirling in her brain.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Introducing Solids

Most babies are ready to expand their taste buds by six months of age. Most new parents face this task with many questions and confusion. How do I know if my baby is ready? What are the best foods to start off with? How do I feed my baby to encourage healthy eating habits? All excellent questions that we will address in this step-by-step guide on how to introduce solids to your baby.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Teen Sleep Tips

Left to their own devices, most teens would go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 9 am. It’s not entirely their fault. Melatonin, the sleepy hormone, gets released much later in the teen brain then in the child and the adult brain. There are ways to retrain the teen brain to help ensure that your teen gets a good night’s sleep and is ready to face the school day refreshed.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Homework strategies

No one likes homework, not children or their parents but it does serve several important roles. Some simple strategies can help your child stay on task and help get homework accomplished effectively and efficiently.

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Beth Gelman Beth Gelman

Are they ready for college?

Your baby is off to college! You have done the dorm room shopping; the car is loaded and now all that’s left is the drop off. But is your teen ready to be successful at school, away from home and ready to make decisions for themselves?

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Looking for more tips?

Check out our classes page for some great virtual programs on baby care, healthy eating and more.