Personalized solutions made just for your family.


Our services (to name a few)



Breast feeding, transitioning to bottles, sleep issues, colic, the fussy infant, introducing solids, encouraging healthy eating patterns, how to play with your infant to encourage appropriate development, how to create a safe home environment, separation anxiety


Sleeping through the night, transitioning to a bed, the picky eater, toilet training, temper tantrums, how to play with your toddler to encourage appropriate development

Early childhood

School readiness, picky eaters, establishing routines, sleep issues, encouraging friendships, dealing with the sensitive child, dealing with the anxious child, potty issues

Late childhood

Picky eaters, obesity management, encouraging independence while establishing boundaries, puberty concerns, helping your child deal with friend issues


Talking to your child about sex, drugs, alcohol,  encouraging independence while establishing boundaries, how to create a happy, healthy relationship with your teen, how to deal with bad grades, unacceptable behaviors, preparing for college

Consultations for teens with their consent are available to discuss their concerns about relationships with parents, friends, concerns about diet, exercise, sleep, anxiety and depression


We do not participate in any insurance plans. Receipts with billing codes will be provided for you to submit to your insurance. We accept PayPal and Venmo.



Initial consultation
(1 hour)


Follow up
(30 minutes)


(1 hour)


The finer details.

Book an appointment online. Once you pick a time and date, we will send a link for your virtual consultation. After the consultation, you will receive a summary and a detailed action plan. At your request, a copy of the consultation can be sent to your pediatrician.